About Our Factory

About Our Factory

- Sudu Aqua factory for Manufacturing and Assembling of

  Alternative Energy Equipment:

                     It is a factory that manufactures and assembles a group

                     of equipment that works with alternative energy by

                     analysis water electrically to generate Hydroxy Gas

                     which emanates high heat that can be used in several

                     fields that will be mentioned later.

- Foundation:

  Business Name (Sudu Aqua Factory For Manufacturing
  & Assembling of Alternative Energy Equipment).

- Registration Number:

   - 117304 dated 11/04/2018

   - Having patent number (3799) registered at Intellectual Property.
   - Obtained Patent of Industrial Products Registration number
   - Obtained Gas Analysis Certificate number (20-016) From              
     Khartoum Refinery Company.
   - Obtained ISO Certificate number 9001:2015 under number

Registration Number:

  Sudu Aqua factory for (Manufacturing & Assembling of Alternative  Energy Equipment).
  under industrial license number 564/Industrial/2018 - Dated  06/05/2018.

Location of Administrative Building:

   - Arkaweet, Al-Taif, block (50), plot number (370).

   - consisting of the administrative Sections.

   - research and development laboratories and quality control.

- Factory Location:

  - Soba Industrial Zone.
  - Block 10, plot number 111, area of 4,955 M2.

- Factory Components:

  1. Administrative building consists of two floors, area 180 M2.

  2. Hanger of area (50 × 25)1250 M2.

  3. Warehouses, area: (20 × 15) 300 M2.

  4. Service buildings + water well + complete enclosure.

- Staff:

  (1) Administrative official (48), till now appointed (48).

  (2) Engineers (213), till now appointed (105).

  (3) Technicians (314), till now appointed (122).

  (4) Laborers (170), till now appointed (110).

- Higher Management:

                  1. Eng. Hatim Elfatih Abdellatif Mohamed.

                                - General Manager. / Chairman of the Board of


                  2. Eng. Mohamed Gaffer Ali Alhassan.

                                - Deputy General Manager.

                                - Board Member.

                  3. Eng. Ahmed Mohamed EL-Ameen Hamed.

                                - Board Member.

                  4. Rehab Dafa Alla Ali Mohamed Ahmed.

                       - Secretary of the Board of Directors.

                       - (Director of Human Resources).

                  5. Eng. Ahmed Altayeb Osman Mohamed.    

                               - Board Member.

                  6. Eng. Fares Mohammed Ahmed Taha.   

                               - (Director of Embedded Systems).

                               - Board Member.

                  7. Eng. Mohammed Alsonni Abdallah.

                               - Structural Design & Prototyping 

                                  Department Director.


                  8. Eng. Mohamed Almohaned Hassan Dabora.

                               - Media Department Director.